TOI’s Report According to, ASMI is a 9X19mm caliber submachine gun. It has given tough competition to many well-known machine guns of the world. Its design, development and manufacturing work has been completed in less than 3 years.
According to reports, small and light weapons are used in close combat i.e. face-to-face battle and ASMI gun can prove to be beneficial in this. The word ASMI (Asmi) comes from Sanskrit. It means pride. DRDO as well as Army Infantry School have helped in making this gun.
Aluminium and carbon fibre have been used to make the 9mm gun. This gun has been given to the NSG for testing. It is said that Assam Rifles have also used the gun. BSF has also ordered some guns so that they can be tested. The report says that the order given by the Indian Army can be completed by September.
The weight of ASMI gun is said to be 1 kg 80 grams. Telescope or binoculars can be fitted on it. It comes with an accurate range of 100 meters and there is no problem of bullets getting stuck during firing. A report says that 600 bullets can be fired from ASMI gun in a minute. Since the loading switch is on both sides, this gun is easy to operate with both hands.