Anand Mahindra shared a post on his X handle, in which he told people that he had ‘Kalki 2898 AD‘ Took a test drive of the huge Bujju electric vehicle that will soon be seen in the movie. In his post, Mahindra wrote, “The mission was to invade Mumbai. But at Mahindra Towers in Worli, Bujji met his cousin – my Scarlet ScorpioN – and negotiated a peace treaty.” He also congratulated director Nag Ashwin for his upcoming movie ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ and further wrote in the post, “Well done Nag Ashwin for making a landmark Indian sci-fi film… My best wishes are with all those who dream this big…”
A video has been shared on the official handle of the movie named Kalki 2898 AD, in which Anand Mahindra is driving the Bujju electric vehicle. In the video, ScorpioN is also seen with this vehicle, which is one of the most popular SUVs of Mahindra.
This video, shared on Thursday afternoon, had received about 3.5 lakh views at the time of writing the news. In the comment section of the post, people have praised Bujji and the upcoming movie.
The Buzzy has a transparent cockpit canopy, which gives it a slight resemblance to the Batmobile. It was designed through a collaboration between Mahindra’s team in Coimbatore and Jayem Automotives. The vehicle measures 6075 mm in length, 3380 mm in width and 2186 mm in height and has a ground clearance of 180 mm. It weighs 6,000 kg. The vehicle is equipped with a dual motor setup that together produces 94 kW of power and 9,800 Nm of torque.