Mobile Number Port New Rules 1 july 2024 to prevent sim swapping fraud know

Mobile Number Port New Rules: The rule related to porting mobile number has changed from today. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) had issued a new rule in March, which has come into effect from today i.e. 1 July. Now
The time taken for SIM swap or replacement will be reduced from 10 to 7 days, but there will be a locking period and the new SIM will not be activated before 7 days. The purpose of this rule is to prevent SIM card related fraud. This is TRAI’s ninth amendment regarding mobile number portability, in which verification of the person porting the number is very important.

Actually, TRAI has issued this rule to keep the users’ safety and their related information safe. The purpose is to stop fraud being done using mobile numbers. Under this, the time taken for the process may have reduced from 10 to 7 days, but the entire process has become very strict.

Earlier people could easily port their mobile number in case of loss of SIM, theft or to switch from one network to another, but now they will have to follow some rules. You will have to submit an application to the telecom service provider whose SIM you want to get. After this, you will have to wait for some time because the identity and other information of the users will be verified.

The role of OTP will increase in this. During the porting process, the process will be completed only by using OTP. TRAI says that if the request for UPC (Unique Porting Code) is sent before seven days from the date of ‘SIM swap’, then UPC will not be given. That is, it is also possible that you want to port the SIM and your request is not accepted.

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