of 91Mobiles Report Tipster Paras Guglani has shared the specifications of Motorola Edge 50 Neo. According to the report, Motorola Edge 50 Neo will have a 6.4-inch pOLED display, which has full HD + resolution and 120Hz refresh rate. This smartphone has MediaTek Dimensity 7300 processor. Talking about the camera setup, it has a 50-megapixel primary camera, 13-megapixel second camera and 10-megapixel third camera in the rear. At the same time, there is a 32-megapixel selfie camera in the front.
This smartphone has a 4,310mAh battery, which supports fast charging. This smartphone will run on Android 14 OS out of the box. It will have 256GB of internal storage. This smartphone will have IP68 rating which ensures protection from water and dust. Talking about the dimensions, the thickness of this smartphone is 8.1 mm and its weight is 171 grams. Photos of Edge 50 Neo were also shared in the report, which is in the familiar design and Poinciana color option.
The rear of the smartphone may get a vegan leather finish, but it is still not clear. However, we can see the Pantone label on the rear side. Motorola Apple introduced the Edge 40 Neo in September 2023, so the upcoming model is also expected to arrive in the same launch timeline.
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