The US space agency NASA AccordingThe Strawberry Moon will be visible in full for about three days. It is also called Honey Moon and Rose Moon. According to NASA, the Strawberry Moon will be the lowest full moon of this year, which will rise only 21.9 degrees above the horizon. That is, it will be visible low in the sky.
NASA says that such full moons are a golden opportunity for people interested in astronomy. People can see craters and mountains on the surface of the moon using a good telescope.
During the Strawberry Moon, the moon will appear exceptionally large, but it will not be a supermoon. To see a supermoon, you will have to wait till August and after that there will be four consecutive supermoons.
The full moon of June has been named Strawberry Moon by the American tribes. According to reports, this name has been used by the Algonquin, Ojibwe, Dakota and Lakota people. After the Strawberry Moon, the next full moon will be seen on July 21, which is called Buck Moon.
Why will there not be a supermoon?
The Strawberry Moon, which is going to be seen on June 21, will be very big, but it will not be a supermoon. According to reports, the summer solstice is on June 20 in the US and the full moon will occur a day after that. According to, this does not usually happen. This happens once in 19 to 20 years. During this time the Sun will be seen at its maximum point in the sky, so the Moon will appear lower in the sky and will look bigger.