of space.com Report According to, if the direction of the solar flare is towards the Earth, then there can be a radio blackout all over the world. X class solar flares are considered to be the most powerful. They explode with 10 times more energy than M class solar flares.
Scientist Samuel Crooker, who analysed the data from the Solar Orbiter spacecraft, said that this was a very large solar flare. A similar large flare was seen on May 20 this year. Both flares came from the far side of the Sun.
The special thing is that along with the current solar flare, a very large coronal mass ejection (CME) also came out, which was tracked by NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. However, its focus was not towards our Earth, otherwise another solar storm could have hit the Earth.
Why is Coronal Mass Ejection?
Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) Solar flares are large clouds of plasma. After a solar eruption, these clouds spread in the Sun’s magnetic field in space. When they are directed towards the Earth, they can cause geomagnetic disturbances. They can cause short circuits in satellites and affect the power grid. They can also endanger astronauts in Earth’s orbit.
What is Solar Flare
When the Sun’s magnetic energy is released, the light and particles it emits create solar flares. These flares are the most powerful explosions ever seen in our solar system, releasing more energy than billions of hydrogen bombs.